Add language


To add a new language, copy the code template below to create a localized version.

For example, to add French, use the code fr; for English, it will be en, and so on.

Remember to update the language in your config.lua file.

All you have to do is create a new .json file in the locale folder of the script and perform the necessary translations according to your preferences.

Full View en.json

Preview File Updated: v1.0.1 - 03.11.2024

    "error_notification_system": "Error: The notification type specified in Config.NotificationSystem is not valid.",
    "error_check_config": "Please check the configuration of Config.NotificationSystem in config.lua.",
    "input_jail_player": "Jail a player",
    "input_player_id": "Enter the player's ID",
    "input_id_placeholder": "ID (e.g., 1)",
    "error_player_not_found": "The ID {playerId} does not exist.",
    "error_invalid_id": "Invalid ID.",
    "error_not_authorized": "You are not authorized to use this command.",
    "player_options_title": "Options for player ID: {playerId}",
    "option_jail": "Jail",
    "option_unjail": "Release",
    "option_history": "View history",
    "option_return": "Return to previous menu",
    "jail_menu_title": "Jail player ID: {playerId}",
    "jail_duration_label": "Duration in minutes",
    "jail_reason_label": "Reason",
    "jail_default_reason": "No reason",
    "jail_history_menu_title": "Jail History",
    "history_entry_title": "Date: {date} - Duration: {time}",
    "history_entry_description": "Reason: {reason}",

    "language_file_not_found": "Language file not found: {lang}",
    "show_notification_error": "Error: 'source' argument is nil in ShowNotification.",
    "invalid_notification_type": "Error: The specified notification type in Config.NotificationSystem is not valid.",
    "not_authorized": "You are not authorized to use this command.",
    "already_in_jail": "The player is already in jail.",
    "player_no_steam_id": "The player does not have a valid Steam ID.",
    "player_jailed": "The player has been jailed for {minutes} minutes.",
    "jailed_message": "You have been jailed for {minutes} minutes. Reason: {reason}",
    "jail_log_title": "Jail",
    "jail_log_message": "Player ID: {playerId} has been jailed by {staffName} for {minutes} minutes. Reason: {reason}",
    "unjail_log_title": "Unjail",
    "unjail_log_message": "Player ID: {playerId} has been unjailed.",
    "player_released": "You have been released.",
    "player_released_notification": "The player has been released.",
    "player_not_in_jail": "The player is not in jail.",
    "steam_id_error": "An error occurred during unjail (no Steam ID found).",
    "reconnection": "Reconnection",
    "still_in_jail": "You are still in jail.",
    "no_history_found": "No history available!",

    "jail_title": "Jail Information",
    "jail_by": "Jailed by: {staffName}",
    "jail_reason": "Reason: {reason}",
    "jail_time_remaining": "Time Remaining: {timeRemaining}"

Last updated